
Articles Posted in Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries


Alzheimer’s And Traumatic Brain Injuries

The long-term consequences of traumatic brain injuries are always difficult to ascertain for clients as their rehabilitation progresses. One of our concerns has always been the future risk that a client suffering from TBI would later develop Alzheimer’s or other dementias. The medical literature has not established this association to…


New Study Reveals Brain’s Architecture Of Intelligence

Although neuroscience has progressed in establishing the role various brain structures play in the executive functioning of the brain, there has not been solid evidence of the brain networks that support high-level cognition and general intelligence. In a new study released in the journal Brain, a fascinating picture is emerging…


New Imaging Technique For Traumatic Brain Injury

A new and powerful imaging technique has been developed that will allow doctors to clearly see the brain’s neural connections that have been broken by traumatic brain injury and other neurological disorders. High Definition Fiber Tracking may now give doctors a means of objectively determining how brain tissue has been…


Poor Economy Has Important Ramifications for Personal Injury Claims

Individuals who are severely or catastrophically injured must assert a one-time claim for all the economic losses they will experience over their remaining life expectancy on account of their injury. An injured person only gets one trial. The injured individual cannot go back to court in 5, 10 or 15…


New Studies Support The Diagnostic Efficacy of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in TBI

One of the difficulties faced by our clients who have suffered “mild” traumatic brain injury (TBI) is that there has been no objective means of establishing that brain injury exists even though the clinical signs of dysfunction are present. This has often resulted in clients not getting the medical care…


Independent Scientists Find FDA Report on BPA Defective

The Alaska Personal Injury Law Group recently posted an article about how the FDA and other federal agencies have systematically attempted to use preemption to make manufacturers immune from suit for injuries caused by their defective products. One point of discussion was how the FDA has weakened regulatory protection of…


PTSD: Can It Be Caused By Medical Treatment?

Most readers know that PTSD can be caused by intense trauma from accidents and injuries, but the question whether medical intervention itself can cause PTSD has not been extensively studied. Dr. Dimitry Davydow of the University of Washington’s School of Medicine reports in the Sept.-Oct. issue of General Hospital Psychiatry…


Returning Soldiers: Advancing Medicine After Sacrifice In Battle

If the march of history has shown us anything, it is that technological advances are often the result of armed conflict. We have seen that in striking detail in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. One of the most unfortunate consequences of these conflicts is that they have dramatically highlighted the…


Traumatic Brain Injury— How To Obtain Proper Diagnosis of Balance and Dizziness Disorders

We have handled a number of cases at the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group where clients have developed balance and dizziness complaints after suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in automobile crashes or similar assaults to the brain. It is not commonly known that these disorders flow from TBI, and…